Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We spent New Years @ the Austin's. It was fun, entertaining, and intoxicating. ;) It is different to what I grew up with - spending time with family and a lot of fireworks. But New Years spent untraditionally for me is something I am getting use to.

Last year, I had my word for the year which was "embrace." Looking back, it was the perfect year for embracing our adventures. I had one child in elementary school, one in middle school, and one in high school. And to make things much more interesting, my husband works the opposite hours i do. So in my world, I'm at home just 4 nights a week to do homework with the kids, have a family dinner just twice a week, and somehow fit in date night 1-2 times a month. And while the husband works during the evening, and Jadeline in school till 11am during the week, i find the time for creating.

This year, I'm taking the word, "PATIENCE." As my life continues on, i plan on taking each adventure with a breath, I bite my tongue, and remind myself that I have that patience to do this. . . .

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