Friday, November 20, 2009


Normally I would be on top of things. But lately, it feels like I don't have time for everything, and I sigh and say, "can't the day be longer?" And now, . . . in a blink of an eye, the holidays are around the corner. What happened in the last 2 months? What is different this year? And when i look back . . .
  • Bobby and Ashton playing softball/baseball this year.
  • Jadeline is a first grader. hmm. more homework?
  • Troy is now at Glencoe High school.
  • I have 2 boys in high school, with a lot more homework.
  • I find myself in Hawaii for 9 days for a women's workout retreat.
  • Work is busier with sick patients.
  • Ashton is now playing basketball.
  • Finding time to scrapbook and store memories.
So maybe i didn't realize that 3 kids are a house full and i honestly love it. I grew up with 3 sisters, this is suppose to be normal. We played together, we did homework, and watched shows togther. My parents did it. So I can too, right?

Maybe i just need to find a different routine, .. and change with the economy. We'll see how this goes through the holidays.