Friday, February 6, 2009

new haircut - and a little updating...

In need of a new haircut and color. Been feeling a little blah - don't you ever get like that? Not sure if its this acne thats getting to me or perhaps feeling the age of 34. So yesterday, spent 2 1/2 hours at Tres' Bon to get my hair done. It was funny when the hairstylist (who specializes in asian hair), with all his accent said, "Oh... who cut your hair!! " Which made me think, "gee, was my current haircut that awful??" He cut, thinned, trimmed, and colored . . . . and did his best to save me. ;)  

Bobby was a bit shocked and reminded me that i once told him that I wouldn't color/highlight my hair because i'm not in my 20's anymore. . . .  Go figure, its not like i'm in my 60s or something.  We're still young and still have to look presentable right?

On another note, Bobby and i started working out at 24 hour fitness. It felt good! It was great to see that he can keep up with the big boys playing basketball! He'll start with a trainer on Sunday. It was cute to hear him say, "that felt good. my lungs didn't hurt like it use to!" Yes, he's still on the Chantix. And its been working - he hasn't smoked for almost 3 weeks now.

1 comment:

Loy said...

I love your cute haircut! Very stylis!

Where is Tres Bon? The lady I used to go to for over 6 years moved to California so I was nervous about finding someone new, until after looking like cousin It, I decided to go to a new lady.

oh, and good for Bobby for his great job on not smoking!!