- Finish up work schedule
- Create department schedule template
- Finish up flower girl baskets and ring bearer pillows
- 10/1 meeting 8am
- Hem bridesmaid dress
- Find shoes for Jadeline - for wedding
- Send out evaluations
- Finish up 3 books (orders)
- Reserve car for Hawaii
- Wedding card
- Thank you cards for reps
- Pictures for personal project - Documenting a week in your life by Ali Edwards
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lots to do!!
Phew, talk about having a list of things to do!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bling for mommy

I've never really been into jewelry. If you know me enough, you rarely see me with any bling on me - and that includes my wedding ring. (I have that valid excuse that my wedding ring is too big for my finger.) Was never really into all that gold, and if you ever grew up in Hawaii, I was never into all that gold hawaiian bracelets. My problem? Its the gold!
We had a little get together with Silpada jewelry. And i am in love with all the silver bling!! I don't know if its because I'm older now, or if its just a phase, but I really became in awe with the jewelry. It was different than walking in a department store. It wasn't that ordinary Mary Kay party, or Creative Memories, or Stamping up Parties I've been to, . . . it was fun to wear all the jewelry!! And yet i have to admit, an ordinary outfit that you wear can really bring it out with the right SILVER jewelry. And I'm not saying this because I became a consultant (I really did not become one and don't plan to be one). We had fun drinking, eating, and socializing while looking good - and not feeling pressured to buy anything! Grr.. i had such a good time wearing all the jewelry, for once i completely forgot about taking pictures!!! Oh, but if you're interested in seeing any of this jewelry, let me know, - we can have another girls night. ;)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Race for the Cure

The kids and I decided to participate in Susan Komen's Race for the Cure. Well, we 'walked' the cure, and completed the untimed 1 mile walk. It was easy - but i think we could have made it through the 5 mile walk. Okay, Ashton and I could have done it. I would have end up carrying Jadeline. It was our first race together. Thought it would be a could way to show the kids that we can do things for a good cause. It was way too early for Jadelilne and I. Ashton was a trooper, he just had a little issue with the color and said, "Uh, Mom. . . .everything is so .... Pink!!"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
challenging daughter
I have a daughter who enjoys the greatest things - one of them is coloring with lots of pens and crayons. We saw this notepad/crayon holder at a store that i can't remember. I told Jadeline that it was crazy expensive to hold paper and crayons. So she told me, "well, can you make it?" And a light bulb lit in my head, and i thought.. hmm.. i sure can! And while i created this, i thought, if Jadeline didn't say "can you make it?" I wouldn't know if i was capable. And yet i thought, what have i done? Ijust trained Jadeline - if she can't buy it, then mommy will make it. Well, she does keep me challenged...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Building a routine
Jadeline is set with her daily routine now that school has started.
- 630am - alarm rings to climb in bed with mom to watch cartoons
- 645am - brush hair, brush teeth, put on school clothes with a matching headband
- 705am - breakfast
- 720am - finish cartoons
- 730am - put shoes on, walk to bus stop
- 737am- bus arrives
- 1130am - bus drops Jade to me.
- 1145am - lunch
- 1230pm - activity book, and reading time; playtime; errands with mom
- 530pm - dinner
- 630pm - bath
- 700pm - time to wind down; brush teeth; pick out clothes for school
- 800pm - bed time.
Jadelines on a set routine. She loves it. Except on the days when she softly wakes me and says, "mom.. wake up. i'm gonna be late for school." and i tell her, "go back to bed, its your day-off."
Now only if i could build a set routine for myself!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Making stuff
Its been a week since Jadeline started school. Its been great. She's on a schedule - bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6:25 am!! (aughh, i wish i felt the same way). She's on a routine. Which meant that I was off for a little over a week to get her on this routine and allowed me to be productive at home. The house was clean, dusted, and dinner made at 5:30 p.m. Incredible huh? I even dusted the walls and corners and spot cleaned many areas of our carpet. Did you know that if you spray a a little Windex on the stained spot, soak it for a few minutes, and dab it with a paper towel, it removes the stain? It really works!! But of course, I did make stuff. Made Jadeline's and my costume. I couldn't justify paying $50.00 for a Camp Rock costume of Mitchie! So i made it. And I made my costume. A little early, but since we'll be in Hawaii for the most part of October, I figured that I wouldn't have the time.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Had a girls night with some of my friends at work on Saturday. We watched Phantom of the Opera @ Keller Auditorium. I've never been there before nor have i watched any formal concerts here in Portland.
Phantom of the Opera - another love story. It was different, but i guess flattering for any woman who has 2 men in love with you. Do you choose the handsome man - your childhood sweetheat who is in love with you or the deformed man who tutors you to fame in music?
It was nice and fun. After the concert we went to Portland City Grill. I didn't realize that we were there for almost 3 hours! But great company, drinks and food, with an incredible view of Portland can make the night go by instantly.
Friday, September 5, 2008
More school
I took a week and a half off from work to help Jadeline prepare for school. And for me to cope with my last child going to school. We decided to let Jadeline take the bus to school. I know, crazy as it may be, but after watching how the school and bus system works from yesterday, we thought it would be alright. The kindergartners have a special yellow band to wear, the school 'tags' them with a special blue crayon to indicate they take the bus, there are chaperones to guide them to their class, and then their teachers are responsible to take them to their assigned bus. Organized right? Pretty safe right? Bobby and i discussed, and discussed this - we constantly went back and forth with this.
But when she went on the bus today, i was close to tears!! I felt awful. I felt like a bad parent. How on earth did i just embrace trust in a bus driver who i never met?! She is practically a stranger to not only me, but to Jadeline! Yes, i couldn't help not have some tears. So when the bus was late in dropping her off, i thought, this would be the last time we would do this! Yes, i overreacted. And yes, i had to talk to this bus driver when she dropped Jadeline off. And yes, i was being nice. I simply asked her if i should expect late drop offs or is she normally on time. The bus driver was sweet, and probably read my mind when she said, "we won't be on time for the next few weeks, parents are taking pictures (yes, that was me), the kids are adjusting and do not move as fast, but until we all build a routine, it will be quicker and smoother." I bit my tongue, and said, "thank you."
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Besides all this back to school stuff, Bobby is in his hunting season. No elk yet. . . .. Sigh - - it will be a long few weeks. Can't wait till he just gets one!! He's trained Jadeline to call them in, i'm wondering if she should just go with her daddy so he can get his elk. This morning she woke us up with her elk calls - Good morning!
Oh, since their hunting spot is just 30 minutes from home, they are not camping or tenting it out there. They come back home, have hot meals, and continue with their nap times. I have to wonder if hunting season is all about nap time...
**by the way, we are having a blast on wii fitting.....
Another day in school
Yesterday was actually a meet and greet for Jadeline. I had no idea that they had such a thing. So today was in school from 8-1050am. Today it was a full class of kindergartners - and all the while i wonder how Mrs. Pruss will do this all year long. Jadeline didn't go to pre-school. Given I only work 3 x a week, the least i could do was teach her basic skills while I was at home. I was thankful that when they sign in she was able to complete this task. (They have to write their name on a piece of paper to sign in - phew.. she was able to do that. ) It was good - she had a morning full of fun while Bobby and I did our hardest to keep busy. Breakfast at Starbucks -running into friends, hanging out at Borders. . . and it was just 9:23am!!
Oh, we finally found Wii Fit. Does it work?? Actually yes. I am realizing that my body does not do yoga! The kids and I are having a great time with it. He, he, he, we're getting ready for Race for the Cure. Yes, just 3 of us. We are participating in the 1 mile untimed walk on September 21.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Back to School
My last child is heading to school! At first i was estatic, knowing that Jadeline would start school this year. You know, the piece and quiet, a time set in the morning just for me, .. simple peace and quiet. But today, Jadeline had her meet and greet with Mrs. Pruss. It was from 8:30 - 9:30am. One solid hour. But waiting for her drove me insane. It felt like a lifetime, watching the minutes go by and hearing the voice of Mrs. Pruss, "We'll meet outside by the flag post. . . " I don't know if its because this is the last time I'll experience this. The last time I'll be doing kindergarten. We won't have the moment again. . .
When Jadeline came out, I KNOW I was happier to see her than she wanted to see me. (It was awfully to short of a time for her to see her mama again.). Yet i can't believe how much was accomplished in one hour. She wrote her name to check in, they went over rules of pushing her chair in, washing her hands after using the restroom, and having 'soft voice.' She said they played on the computer, Mrs. Pruss read her a book, and they talked about what singing does to you. All in an hour.
The boys also have started school. Troy is already a month into high school as a freshman, and Ashton is in his last year of middle school. Wow, i have a child in 3 different schools. Phew!!
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