Friday, September 5, 2008

More school

I took a week and a half off from work to help Jadeline prepare for school. And for me to cope with my last child going to school. We decided to let Jadeline take the bus to school. I know, crazy as it may be, but after watching how the school and bus system works from yesterday, we thought it would be alright. The kindergartners have a special yellow band to wear, the school 'tags' them with a special blue crayon to indicate they take the bus, there are chaperones to guide them to their class, and then their teachers are responsible to take them to their assigned bus. Organized right? Pretty safe right? Bobby and i discussed, and discussed this - we constantly went back and forth with this.

But when she went on the bus today, i was close to tears!! I felt awful. I felt like a bad parent. How on earth did i just embrace trust in a bus driver who i never met?! She is practically a stranger to not only me, but to Jadeline! Yes, i couldn't help not have some tears. So when the bus was late in dropping her off, i thought, this would be the last time we would do this! Yes, i overreacted. And yes, i had to talk to this bus driver when she dropped Jadeline off. And yes, i was being nice. I simply asked her if i should expect late drop offs  or is she normally on time. The bus driver was sweet, and probably read my mind when she said, "we won't be on time for the next few weeks, parents are taking pictures (yes, that was me), the kids are adjusting and do not move as fast, but until we all build a routine, it will be quicker and smoother." I bit my tongue, and said, "thank you."

1 comment:

Loy said...

awww, you have every reason to feel like that, you're a mommy...I know it is hard seeing our little ones grow up, it will get "easier" :-) we hope it will.