Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Its still crazy here. Don't know what i was thinking when i worked an extra shift at work the other night. As if i have nothing better to do right? 

Jadeline had her Fall festival last Friday night. It was fun. She played various games - including the limbo that she insisted she do. By the way, her eye doctor appointment was also on Friday and she's fine. We'll have to repeat her test next year. So far she's 20/30 in both eyes. Not as awful as we thought.

We had our annual Halloween Party Saturday night, but i'll have to post that in another post. Lots of editing and way to many pictures!! +200. Didn't realize i took so many!!

And our holiday begins! Jade will begin ballet on thursday, and Ashton is signed up for his basketball season. Now what to do for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years??

1 comment:

Loy said...

Nice pics...You all are sure busy! how was the Hawaii trip?