Time sure flies by. Can't believe its almost 2 weeks since my last post!! And as much as I kept telling myself to post something on my blog - I sure didn't find the time. And now I wonder what has kept me so busy!!
Well, it was report cards for the boys. And it wasn't to my expectations. I just sometimes wonder what my dad did to make me strive for the best grades and having C's or D's on the report card was not acceptable! I know my boys do the best they can, and unfortunately they do not have my feature of wanting that 'A' (grrr...), and i should just step back and accept that they do all they can.. well, its tough!! That is, its tough for me. You want to shape your children the best that they can be - I just don't remember it being this difficult when i grew up!
And besides the report cards, we've been having our preschool with Jadeline every morning. She at least is excited about having 'homework.' We finally completed the alphabet - the writing, the recognizing, and the memorizing. At least we have one child who is beyond estatic about becoming a kindergardener this year.
As for my crafts? Still on my goals. I've already completed 5 scrapbook layouts. woo-hoo. (will post pictures sometime soon.) I'll be taking a 3 hour class with Karen Russell this Saturday. I've completed 2 more of those bags that i was making - no pictures because I've already given them away. My new thing is beading. Took some classes at craft warehouse and bead planet. Its been fun. Now i just need to see if i can make some of my own.