We went to church today. Its been awhile, so at first it felt awkward. And yet for the life of me, it was the perfect time as if God was really wanting us there today. (Especially when the pastor says its hard to worship or take God in when you're sitting; that its important to stand because you tend to take your personal wall down.) And he was right. He talked about personal change today. (I wonder if that was a coincidence?) That slowly if you chip away the negative pieces of yourself , you can find the better part of you. It was a nice perspective.
He even mentioned that resolutions don't work because it sets you up for failure- which I've already agreed. So far my short term goals are being achieved. Which reminded me if I was really fullfilling them. Vitamins - check. Uncluttered desk - check. Scrapbooking -- I'm working on it. Just one more page to go.
Oh, and since I don't head back to work till Thursday for patient care, besides a 2 hour meeting on Wednesday, I thought wine would be appropriate with scrapbooking.
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