Monday, January 7, 2008


This face of Jadeline 'sometimes' makes me want more children - her baby soft skin, that pouty face, and the innocent deep dark brown eyes. She's been sick. Well, she has a cold which she got from Ethan or Emma. She rarely gets sick, so its a big deal around the house when shes like this. Yet, she handles it so well. Its a good thing that she still plays (thank you grandma raquel for the ds lite that preoccupies her), and her appetite hasn't changed. She's a big girl - reminding me that she still has to take her medicine and that she does not need my help to blow her nose. (I guess I sometimes need to let go, and remind myself that she's not a baby anymore, huh?) So would I really want more children? . . .Well, its a mere thought - figure of speech, only a fantasy, just a quick second dream is what i would say.

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