Monday, April 5, 2010


15 things about our second child:
  1. ..loves basketball!
  2. ..favorite color so far is red.
  3. basketkball team: Cleveland Cavaliers
  4. ..favorite food: anything with shrimp
  5. is an animal lover. someday wants to be a vet.
  6. ..hopes to attend OSU after high school.
  7. prefers hard candy than chocolate.
  8. is as tall as his daddy
  9. struggled in math - and now gets A's in that class.
  10. encourages his big brother that "he can do it!"
  11. caters to his little sister.
  12. ..if given a choice would prefer to play outside than on the xbox
  13. .. enjoys running! outside and on the Wii.
  14. idolizes Lebron James
  15. ... is shy.

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