Friday, April 10, 2009

My day:

in 24hours my normal day can turn out like this: 

430pm: get ready for work - get my bag ready, pack my lunch/dinner, get myself looking decent.
515pm: on the road to the hospital.
600pm: clocked in for my night at work.
700am: time to clock out and head home asap - depending on traffic, i get to see Jadeline before she gets on the bus.
730am: wash up, get out of my nasty scrubs, and take a nap,
830am: get up to work out at the gym
915am: @ 24hour working out; save time by showering at the gym
1100am: @ home, have a protein drink, get Jade's lunch ready if Bobby hasn't
1125am: Jadeline's  home from school
1200pm: BED
4:00pm: make dinner, get Jadeline's & Ashton's dinner prepped.

What a long day!!...... Thank goodness that this happens just 3 x a week. But day 4 is spent catching up on sleep!

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

That's crazy Jeanie! I don't know how you do that! Especially get up and go to the gym after just a "nap". You're one motivated girl.