Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ughh!! and sigh....

Sometimes work can get in the way. I know i need to be patient because it provides a wonderful and comfortable lifestyle for my family and I. But there are days when i would love to just be at home. . .  to do all this: 

I am so wanting to create stuff. I have a bunch of new fabric to sew up. (above photo taken by Jadeline who spotted the bolt of fabric that i have - the pink flower one). I had my camera in fabric depot; to entertain Jadeline, i told her to find the fabric i have at home and take a picture of it. Great eyes!!

Hunter got left over prime rib! Yum!!!

Yes, its snowing - AGAIN! I woke up at 330pm today and it was snowing! 

And sometimes I just want to stay home to do this. I inherited Ashton's Nintendo DS, to play Guitar Hero. It is addicting. I'm struggling playing on hard. Jadeline is playing her Little Pet Shop on her DS.


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