Sunday, May 18, 2008


I'm a little giddy because i finally found the fabric i like to use to make baby quilts, the mixed green and yellow thread to finish a caterpillar quilt, and more fabric to create!! I know, a little lame, but it makes me happy!! I usually just buy enough fabric to make what i need. So when i actually like how it turned out, i always can't find that fabric again!!! But then again, it ends up being one of a kind. 
Lately, haven't been in the mood to scrapbook. Thank goodness, I'm meeting up with a few scrap friends on Friday to become reinspired. My pictures seem to just sit on this computer and it hasn't gone anywhere. I think I should print some to at least have some pictures on my hands. 

On another note, took the kids to play with water at a park in Beaverton. With all this heat, figured, i'd cool them off. It was finally nice to be out in a heat i can tolerate.

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