Monday, August 31, 2009

Hunting season already....

It's that time of year again, when our lives stop for several weeks while Bobby bow hunts. It's the children and I .. on our own with meals, chores, and playtime.... and it's really okay.  I think right??!! Every year, I remind myself that I can do this. We build a routine and as soon as it gets comfortable, Bobby is back to 'normalize' our life.  And its really okay... but its a little different this year. Jadeline heads back to school as a first grader, and will be in school all day. And as soon as i can figure out the swim schedule, Jadeline will get a few swim lessons before winter. Ashton is now in high school and needs to adjust in a new school as a freshman. And this year for 2 months, he will play baseball until basketball season comes around. While I've been use to heading to the gym everyday with Bobby, who allows me to nap for 1 1/2 hour while he gets my energy drink ready,.. I need to do this on my own. Our routine is different when elk/deer season is here. And its okay because I'll have this blog to journal with.... ;)

Friday, August 14, 2009

a bucket list challenge

We used the making memories vintage line. I used up one kit and equally divided it in 4 and challenged friends to make a page using all items. 4 perspectives, 4 creators, 4 points of view, 4 visions... with 4 different styles. And a list of dreams and goals that will follow each one of us until we hit the bucket!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

they are back

the kids are back and life is how we like it. the constant hugs and kisses, the racket of jadeline playing with her toys, the chatter of xbox live, the 'momma's and daddy!'.. i wouldn't want it any different.!!!