Hope everyone had a wonderful and turkey filling Thanksgiving! A great excuse to eat all you want . . . and of course be with family to reflect what we grateful for. And since most of our family is in Hawaii - phone calls are the closest thing we have to them. Bobby's parents are in Honolulu having a traditional Thanksgiving with Nicole and Anna. My parents had Thanksgiving with my sister Marie's family and my sister Erna's family. It was nice talking to mom who said she still made her pancit, and Dad who still had to make adobo as part of their dinner. Growing up we never had one of those american turkey dinners - its nice to know that it hasn't changed - its mom and dads filipino turkey tradition.
We had a simple and quiet dinner at home with Bobby making our turkey, ham, candied yams, and mash potatoes (as tradition as you can get). We had a few friends come over which was great to have. Wish i had taken more pictures...
What was left of our 8 lb. turkey.
This is what happened after dinner. ... (yes, thats Jadeline's bright pink pj's that my mom bought for her - she practically lives in that!)

On 11/25 Jade had a mini thanksgiving concert at her school. It was so cute! Her dad says that she was one of the 2 who was really in the beat - and of course he says, "she gets that from me!"

Yes, we tackled the stores on Black Friday. As Bobby says, "we need to support this desperate economy and spend $$$" Didn't exactly get up at 5am as I hoped but found myself at Walmart at 10am. Didn't find the greatest deals. But when I overheard other customers saying they price match if you have the other stores deals, they will honor it! So I pulled out my Fred Meyer's ad which offered 20% off all games and accessories. My only problem was that they didn't have all the games I was looking for. And of course we had to stop by and visit Santa. Ashton is not into Santa anymore, but Jadeline still believes!! And let me tell you, Santa is the greatest when we seek 'good behavior.'