Sunday, December 28, 2008
I love my children!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
..Merry Christmas Eve!!..

as per Jadeline when she woke up this morning! Its nice to see that children are innocent and have no idea how lots of snow, as beautiful as it is, can interrupt the plans for parents who want to create that Santa Claus exist!! Don't get me wrong. This is an incredible first - Its a beautiful white Christmas! And the only thing we can do, is to make the best of it... and make Christmas as magical as it should be.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Around at home.
- Mickey - Bobby
- Minnie - Jeannie
- Goofy - Ashton
- Pluto - Troy
- Donald Duck - Jadeline
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kids and snow
Lots of Snow!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm back!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
decorations around the house..
Friday, December 5, 2008
my WISH list
I have all the other seasons except this one...
And then this. Its amazing scrapbooking with Ali Edwards. Yes, i really did a few months ago. The woman is inspiring. This is her latest book:
And one of my favorite stores where i want this but seriously don't need it!:
and yes the matching wallet...
And i'm yet to really think twice if i really want this or actually need this: anna maria's drawing room fabric: Do you know how much stuff i can make!!
its a bag full of scrap material - yes, it really all scraps... But you have to look beyond just scraps. it would make a great quilt!!! Or as Bobby would put it - 'ITS CLOTH!'
And of course can't go without looking at some camera lens:
And look at that.. this "window on-line shopping" keeps all my money in the bank!!!
This was actually fun!
Isn't that a pretty lens????
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
the 2nd Christmas tree...
We have 2 Christmas trees. One was for me. And the other is for the kids. We have it in the hallway - upstairs. I stared at it when i woke up a few hours ago- and thought, "oh my gosh (from the angle i was staring at it while i way laying down), that tree is like a Charlie Brown tree!" You know the ones that you have to give a lot of love to? - our tree is beyond crooked and a little bare on one side. I was hoping that it would look a little different when i got out of bed. But its not. Its crooked! And i thought if i keep the lights on, move the decorations around, it wouldn't look so bad. The ornaments are the children's which we either make or purchase every year. Just noticed that green pickle ornament.. that belongs on my tree...